Journaling My Tech Journey (Again)

Leafs have been changing colors before swirling down and creating a mess on the ground for a while. Days have become frustratingly short, thanks to the winter time shenanigans. It’s a dangerous season to think about things that might affect your mood. Like, thinking about how long ago your career in tech started, because you want to figure out when you start blogging. Because then you start thinking “And what have I achieved since then, Steven?” and you don’t really like the answer.

More than one and a half decade ago, when I just became a “Network Administrator” who would end up becoming a Hack Of All Trades, I felt like I needed to start making notes because I needed some self-help to remember things. I decided to start writing about my “adventures” in my personal blog, with no intentions other than creating some personal documentation.

To my shock, other people started reading those posts. At some point I convinced myself that made me a “Content Creator” and I started obsessing over things such as “audiences” and “pleasing audiences”. The quality of content suffered immensely, because instead of doing tech things a lot I was now “cosplaying as a content creator” a lot with no source material to work with.

A few blogs, a million domain names and fifteen YouTube channels later I had created a bunch of platforms to never post content on. Like a sane, normal person would do.

In the meanwhile I discovered I also wasn’t a sane, normal person after getting an autism diagnosis but that’s neither here or there. Relevant to the things above? I don’t know. I really don’t

Last week I was working on one of my ridiculous schemes again. I had created the overview of a really complex application and eco-system. Ever since I’ve been forced into programming things in exchange for money I’m now also a development cosplayer. Anyway, while creating said design I thought to myself “Why can’t I do both? I can create this awesome app I will definitely make WHILE BLOGGING AND VLOGGING ABOUT IT!”

While building The Big App is probably a bad idea for a variety of reasons, one of them being because I don’t even know what app that would be, I have been thinking yesterday and today. I made the move to Blue Sky (at least part time) and reached a point where I said “Okay, I don’t have an audience here, but realistically, your audience on Twitter was virtually useless as well.” Thanks for that, CEO of DOGE. That lead to thinking “Hey, if I’m starting over, maybe I can start over my journaling journey again? Without expectations or looking at numbers?”

Just doing cool tech things, and write about them on my platform(s) and share a link on the socials for who might be interested? Without ideas of grandeur about being a “content creator”?

I’m liking this idea a lot. One thing I do admittedly struggle with is that I’ve built up a little bit of content in a website and a YouTube channel over the years. One part of me screams to “Start over from scratch!” but another part yells “These platforms never did anything wrong!” and indeed they didn’t. A perfectly functional YouTube channel and blog may just be the perfect place for some more cool tech journaling.

So yeah, that’s the New Old New Plan. To hopefully find the energy to do some cool tech related things and write about them. On whatever platform, really. We’ll see how that goes.

Torettox84 out.

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1 thought on “Journaling My Tech Journey (Again)”

  1. WordPress be like “Click here to change your avatar!” but then doesn’t change your avatar because you both are and aren’t using Gravatar for your self-hosted WordPress account and that’s totally normal, sane and not crazy-person behaviour at all.

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