Re-introducing Secret Formula

Today, we are re-introducing “Secret Formula”, a web app that is free for everyone to use without the need to register an account. Secret Formula was one of the most “complete” projects I’ve ever worked on, in the sense that all features that I wanted to offer were also there and that it was fully functional. Unfortunately, the app went “missing” during one of the pandemic “clean-ups” where I went through my projects with a sledgehammer and a broom. While doing that the server for Secret Formula was deleted and I assumed (but never verified) that the app was also living on another domain. Which wasn’t the case, of course.

We are now bringing back “Secret Formula” in its original, free and mobile friendly form.

Initially built as an exercise in Javascript, “Secret Formula” is a small web app that helps you make various calculations. Most of the “formulas” in the app are simple at their core, such as the formula to calculate the percentage of VAT on a purchase or what type of tip to give. Others are a little more complex and can help you in your purchase decisions, such as a formula that helps you decide what product is the best value for your money based on a price per content.

The app is designed to be used on your phone. If you’re worried about data usage, don’t. Secret Formula is very small size-wise and is mostly built in Javascript so all calculations are done on your end.

The future

Right now, Secret Formula is available in two languages. However, even maintaining this amount of languages is a pain in the butt as it basically means I need to edit every single page again for the other language. I am currently eyeballing turning the web app into a Laravel app as this would help me with the translations and would also offer some other features like routing, easily using databases and other cool things. Secret Forula doesn’t strictly need any of these features, though, so for the time being you can start / keep using the HTML / Javascript version.

Where to find Secret Formula

“Secret Formula” is developed under the Chipspowered banner, but that’ll likely mean very little to you.

You can find the app here:

All feature requests, comments or complains about how the app sucks can be sent to me using any of the options under “Socials”.

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